Friday, July 22, 2011

One of my many reasons for this blog.......

Hey all! :) Well, one of my many reasons for creating this blog is because I like to share....a lot! :) LOL! And I am one of the many lucky people out there who are part of VocalPoint. VocalPoint is a site that has everything from exclusive coupons and offers to recipes and hints and tips on just about everything! :)

Well, I became a part of VocalPoint about two months ago and have received everything from coupons for free product like juices and salad to free products to try that hadn't been released in stores yet. :)

Well a month or so ago...I received this little goodie in the mail box. :)

What it is, is an in-laundry scent booster.  I was skeptical at first, because during the summer...with fire pit parties, BBQs, The Fourth of July (that smell from the fireworks), camping, sweating....etc....there are smells that you sometimes would like TOTALLY out of your laundry. :) Well, I am happy to report that this little product from Downy....really works. I was given the "fresh" scent to try and I loved it. I loved our clothes coming out smelling so clean. :)

I was at Target last night (Thursday) and by their registers I saw my Target had Downy Unstoppables for $5.88. :) Now, I haven't found a coupon for this yet, but when I do...I will post a link on my blog. :)

If you would like to register on VocalPoint and get in on the fun and possibly get things sent to you to try....register HERE!!

Thanks for looking! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Exhausted? Me? NEVER!!!! ;)

Do you all ever feel like that is the front you all have to put up?

As a mom, who only really works part time out of the house, but full time between the design teams I am on and then the constant doing and redoing of my house (don't ask....but don't you ever just realize that as a woman....nothing seems organized enough?) During the summer, I am finding that I am staying up later because I am catching up with things IN the house once the sun goes down. LOL! Then half way in doing son asks me to have a few Mortal Kombat matches with him on the 360. How can I say no? Would you?

Last night, err....This morning, I went to bed at mind would JUST NOT SHUT OFF! I was going over bills, schedules, projects, menus, grocery lists.....etc. I literally tried everything I could.  I tried reading, writing, drawing, just lying there (which never works, because then my mind thinks..."well you can at least think.....your just laying there!"). I played some FreeCell and some Solitaire and still nothing. Finally, I think I just gave up....and that is when I slept.

At noon, Sasha (my daughter), comes in (Yes, we all sleep really late in this house except for my hubby during the summer.) and she just started talking and I hopped up and started my day.  I do try to get up really early at times and that NEVER works for me to sleep normal hours either. I have literally exhausted every option out there.

Now, I sit at my computer with my Lady Gaga going, my daughter performing, my son and hubs playing Gears of War....I actually feel very complete and not tired at all. :) Are we, as moms, just used to no rest at all, because that is how we are made? I can't even say it is the training we all go through when our kids are born that caused us to not sleep or go on very few hours of sleep. Garth (my hubs) helped tremendously with BOTH kids. Are we all a kind of MOMMY BOT? LOL!
I am really not sure about that, BUT I keep talking about it and tomorrow, which is pay day for us. I am gonna run out and get something like this:

And I am gonna try it! But until then....Once I put my energetic family to bed after a little entertainment from my daughter...I will try to sleep. :) Here is what I watch for entertainment (sorry it is sideways...I was doing it with my camera!) :

Have a good night! :)

Hi! Nice to meet you! :)

Hey all! Well, the first blog post on any blog is usually the hardest one to come up with. With my other blog, The Beautiful Life, it was a little easier, since that blog is all about creativity and now, my design team projects and just creative fun.

BUT....I am a LOT more than just a creator of paper crafts and cute things of the sort. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a couponer, menu maker, you name one THREE LETTER WORD: MOM! I would like to think of MOM's as a step up from your usual mother. Usually, when I have heard children call their mom's "mother"'s isn't in the most favorable situations.

MOM or, those are two words that we, as mommies, hear a lot. Yes, we may get tired of hearing it, especially when we have a headache from the daily stress and it isn't late enough to have a glass of wine or cup of tea (whatever you like). BUT.....when we sit down to relax at the end of our is the TITLE I am MOST proud of.  I am so happy that these two, beautiful human beings:
Call me Mom/Mommy/Mama.

I am also happy that I am married to this wonderful guy:

Now- I want this blog to be about everything NON-creative that I do. However, if I do some decorating of my home or organizing with some of my crafty may see it here. Like these:

Made with my Cricut, Vinyl, and some totes from The Dollar Tree

You will see it here. :)

I want to also share with you some of my NOT-SO-EXTREME couponing! :) Yes, I do have a binder, but I am not like this:

Or this:

I have such an opinion on the extreme couponing thing...that I am gonna save it for another post. :) LOL! Now, it isn't totally bad (my opinion), but I have one.

I also love to garden and cook. :) And want to share tips and recipes with you, so you can be happy and have a little help from a friend. :)

I want my readers to come here and have a good time, a good chuckle, a good cry (sometimes) and just enjoy this blog. :)

I will try to get a post out every other day if not everyday. :) As I am growing my blog, I will also try to get links to other sites and blogs that are good ones for us mom's. :)

If there is anything you want me to write on....let me know. :) Just leave a comment. :)

Ok, friends, see you tomorrow. :)